About us

SRF Governance

The SRF Governance is composed of 4 distinct entities : The Governance Board, the Evaluation Committee, the Grievance Committee and the Fund Management Unit



The SRF board


The SRF board is composed of the following (non-remunerated) members:  

Permanent members : Donors which are funding the SRF & DRC (Regional Executive Director)  

Non-permanent members : Six INGOs (including DRC as permanent member) and three seats for the representation of national organisations andone or more Observer (ICVA and other donors or other strateg ic stakeholders)

The Fund Manager will ensure secretariat of the SRF board, without being one of its members. INGOs members of the SRF board will rotate every 18 months with staggered membership to maintain continuity. The modalities for rotation will be discussed with the SRF board members

Role and responsibilities of the SRF board 

SRF board Permanent members

UK Aid
UK Aid

SRF board Non-Permanent members

Action contre la faim
Action contre la faim
Mercy Corps
Mercy Corps
Plateforme des ONG nationales actives dans l’humanitaire (Mali)

Evaluation Committee


The Project Evaluation Committee is composed of: 

The Project Evaluation Committee is accountable to the SRF board, and the selection of its members is discussed and endorsed by the SRF board.

Roles and responsibilities of the Evaluation Committee 

The role and responsibilities of the Project Evaluation Committee are to evaluate each application and to provide evaluations and recommendations according to an evaluation grid proposed by the FMU and approved by the SRF evaluation committee. The evaluation committee evaluates project proposals and submits evaluations with marks, a narrative for each mark and an overall recommendation for review, discussion, and decision-making of the SRF board.  

Grievance Committee


Permanent members (The Chair of the Grievance Committee (FCDO) & The Vice Chair (DRC Safeguarding and CoC adviser)

Non permanent members : Technical experts from organisations members of the SRF board (not receiving funds from the SRF) and Third-party experts on leading high-level and sensitive investigations 

Roles and responsibilities of the Grievance Committee 

The Grievance Committee is a permanent mechanism which shall decide on what action is to be taken with reports of grievances, complaints, concern and potential conflicts of interest related to the functioning of the SRF and its integrity.

Contact : grievance@sahelregionalfund.org

Fund Management Unit


As DRC is hosting the Fund, it has set up the Fund Management Unit (FMU) and ensure it fulfils its mandate. Thus, the FMU is composed of a team recruited and hosted by DRC at the exception of key position where donors can participate in the recruitment process.

The FMU is currently composed of 

Role and responsibilities of the FMU