SRF Concept Notes Selection Process Report
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Here are the different steps in the SRF creation & implementation
An Information session for INGO applicants took place on 12th of July 2022 (9.30am-11am) at the conference room of Action Contre la Faim in the Regional Office for West and Central Africa in Dakar.
On July 13th, a presentation of the SRF and the Call for board membership application was sent through regional forum mailing list.
Only INGOs who officially manifested their interest to DRC to apply as SRF board member have been provided with the full application package by email. Interest was shared with the SRF Fund Management Unit through
Deadline for INGO applicants to submit their applications and required documents was 28 July 2022 at mid night.
After careful review by the members of the FMU and several interviews, the following members have been selected
A first SRF board held place in August 29th where ICVA has confirmed as an observer
On September 20th, 2022 the call for concept Notes has been officially launched by posting the documents on our website and spreading the information through our mailing list (obtained through the INGO forum).
Published documents are in the document page and an information session was held on September 26th. The Q&A is published on our website as well as the video from the session.
The deadline was October 16th and the concept notes were sent on the
We received 11 concept Notes and the Evaluation committee met on October 17th to divide the tasks and explain the use of the scorecard to all the committee members. The committee reviewed the concept notes between October 18th and October 21th and held a new meeting on October 21th.
On October 25th, a meeting of the SRF board took place where the methodology has been validated. However, some discussions around the next step towards the call for proposals called for another SRF board on October 27th. On October 28th, the results were shared with the candidates which can be summarized as such:
Don't hesitate to review the full Selection Report
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The call for proposals was officially launched on November 3rd 2022 for the 6 elected candidates. All the information and specific documents were accessible on our website along with a Q&A. Deadline was set to December 4th.
Following the recommendations of the evaluation committee, the SRF board validated in December the pre-selection of the 3 consortia presenting the most relevant project proposals. Negotiations and adjustments took place during the beginning of 2023 to conclude with :
- The signature of the funding contracts with the 2 consortia led by CRS and IRC with a start of activities in March 2023
- The signature of the funding contract with the consortium led by Mercy Corps with a start of activities in May 2023
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On November 15th, the call for expressions of interest for national NGO representation on the SRF Board was launched. The call was spread through our newsletter and published on our website. Deadline was set on November 29th and offers were received on our address
Due to a conflicting agenda with the Proposals review, the selection of the national NGO representation on the SRF board has been pushed to 2023. Mid february 2023, the 3 selected candidates have been informed of the decision
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