The Rallier Project
Reinforcing Adaptable, Locally Led Initiatives for Emergency Response (RALLIER) in support of Affected Populations in the Sahel
Consortium leader : Mercy Corps Europe
Consortium members : COOPI, Keeogo, ICRD, AMSODE, ABC-Ecologie, Tin Tua
Countries of implementation : Niger - Burkina Faso - Mali
Period of implementation : May 2023 / October 2025
Total budget : 8.644.416 GBP
Project summary : The objective of the RALLIER project is to “improve humanitarian outcomes for vulnerable, conflict and climate impacted populations across Mali, Burkina Faso, and Niger.” Within its scope, there are two Outcomes, focused on directly meeting urgent life-saving humanitarian needs AND strengthening resilience of underlying humanitarian systems and crisis affected communities – as follows:
- Outcome 1: Increasing access to food assistance and essential nutrition, health and protection services among crisis affected populations in the central Sahel
- Outcome 2: Increasing the resilience of crisis affected populations and critical service providers in the Sahel in collaboration with empowered national partner organisations.
The sectors covered within the scope are food-assistance (through cash or vouchers), health, nutrition, and protection. Implemented by Mercy Corps, COOPI, AMSODE Tin Tua, ABC Ecologie and ICRD, the RALLIER’s design is demand driven and centred on the specific needs of vulnerable populations in the targeted areas across gender, age and ability groups. This means RALLIER will combine targeted, fixed and mobile responses focused on reaching those in areas where access is difficult, with providing services and supporting established service providers in areas where high concentrations of vulnerable IDP and autochthone caseloads are present. A combination of these methods will enable participants to access assistance and services in accordance with their needs and circumstances.
From a geographical perspective, RALLIER will primarily focus on the dual border area between Mali and Burkina Faso, covering the regions of Mopti, Segou in Mali, Sahel, and Nord in Burkina Faso. This area was selected because it has been the hardest hit in terms of conflict linked impact on civilians over the past several years– and because the humanitarian crisis across the Mopti + Sahel / Nord border has common causality and protagonists in the presence of JNIM, violence between sedentary and pastoralist communities, and a chronic crisis of governance and security. The secondary intervention area will be the Maradi Region of Niger.
Owing to the nature of this crisis - primarily conflict triggered - through its 2.5-year implementation window delivery across components will be on a rolling basis and not concurrent in all locations at the same time. Decisions on reprioritisation of resources or geographies will be triggered by an adaptive management approach, based on an informed reading of data, and led by the programme’s steering committee.



KEOOGO Burkina Faso

TIN TUA Burkina Faso